
Wandering Jew

Height 5 feet

Spread 3-4 feet

This plant care requires bright, indirect light. If the light is too dim, the leaf markings will fade. Keep the soil slightly moist, but don’t water directly into the crown as this will cause an unsightly rot in your wandering jew plant. Care should be taken, particularly in winter, that the plant doesn’t become too dry. Mist wandering jew plants frequently. Feed your plant monthly with a half-strength liquid fertilizer. An important part of growing wandering jew plants is pinching back the long, vining tendrils. Pinch back about a fourth of the plant to encourage branching and increase fullness. One of the main reasons for asking, “How do I care for my wandering jew?’ is the short life of the plant. Wandering jew houseplants do not age well. No matter how well your wandering jew plant care is, they lose their leaves at the base while the long legs keep growing. Don’t be surprised if your wandering jew plants need to be renewed once a year or so.

Offered in our 4 1/2 " Round 10- Per Tray